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Guided by Intention

Writer's picture: Hannah MarshHannah Marsh

At the beginning of the year, many of us set goals and resolutions. This can be a great way to direct our focus to what's important to us. We've previously discussed types of resolutions, and how it can be helpful to consider not only a future outcome, but also the present-moment process - our ongoing intentions and efforts. As we know from our mindfulness practice, a thought about the future is just that: a thought. The canvas of our life is painted here and now.  

To guide me back to the present, I find it helpful to consider my intentions. To use the canvas metaphor, intentions might be the colours I choose to paint with. I invite you to reflect on your own intentions (or colour palette). Here are some questions to help:

What's important to you, right now? 

Where would you like to place your energy and attention this year? This week? This moment?

What values would you like to embody?

When I reflect on my intentions, I tend to feel more grounded. Little worries fall away, and I can identify my priorities, such as dedicating time to my creative practice, being active and present in my body, learning to step out of my solitary comfort zone, fostering community and connection.

Last week in our Community Meditation session, we observed it can be difficult to hold many intentions at once - it's hard to know where to focus. When we choose one intention (at a time), it can guide us, like an anchor in a meditation practice. When attention wanders, we know where to redirect it. An example: if I set an intention to write, then start to get sidetracked by my To-Do list, I can recognize what's happened and kindly guide myself back. Without a clear intention, I find it's easier to drift away.

In our next Mindfulness & Creativity session, we'll consider an intention for our mindfulness practice. It might be: being awake to experience, inviting curiosity or self-compassion, or releasing what isn’t needed right now. We'll reflect on the effect of setting an intention, and consider how to support our intentions in our creative practice and daily life.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!



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