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Image by Dorota Dylka

Community Meditation 
Sundays, 10:30 - 11:30am MT

“Don’t meditate to fix yourself, to improve yourself, to redeem yourself; rather, do it as an act of love, of deep warm friendship to yourself. In this way there is no longer any need for the subtle aggression of self-improvement, for the endless guilt of not doing enough...Instead there is now meditation as an act of love. How endlessly delightful and encouraging."

- Bob Sharples

This series of online classes with Hannah Marsh is open to anyone interested in practicing mindfulness meditation in a supportive community. Our intention for these classes is to support your mindfulness practice - whether you're just starting to meditate, or looking to refresh and deepen an existing practice.

In these classes, we'll step back from the busy "doings" of our days to pause and reconnect with our own being. Each class, you'll be guided through different meditation practices, such as awareness of breath, body scan, and loving-kindness. In these practices, there's nowhere we're trying to get to, and nothing we're trying to do or undo. We're simply being present to our own experience as it unfolds. Together in conversation, we'll also inquire into the experience of our mindfulness practices, exploring the power and joy of mindful presence, as well as the challenges that can arise. We'll consider what we can learn from our mindfulness practice. How might it help us meet the joys and challenges of our lives?


We hope to leave you with a spark of insight from each session that can be carried with you to support not only your mindfulness practice, but also your everyday life. Each class, this insight may be something different: remembering to be kind with yourself; learning that steadiness and ease are possible, even amidst turbulence; or recognizing the value of practicing together in community.

Both new and experienced meditators are welcome. 


How to Join Us

Classes are offered online via Zoom. To join us, contact Hannah at or sign up here

What to Bring

You’re welcome to sit on a chair or use a meditation cushion/bench. You may find it useful to have a yoga mat, blankets, pillows, and other props to sit comfortably.

How to Give

This class is offered by donation (dana). Dana is a practice of generosity that traditionally goes hand-in-hand with a mindfulness practice. You're invited to give with an open heart, whatever amount feels good to give. If you're uncertain, a suggested donation is $10-25, but no one is turned away for lack of funds. We're grateful for your contribution, which supports the continued running of our programs. Dana can be sent by e-transfer to or you can contact us for other options.

Upcoming Dates

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